Name Your Business

It all begins with a name


Doing Business As (DBA)


You might need to register your DBA, also known as a trade name, fictitious name, or assumed name, with the state, county, or city your business is located in. Registering your DBA name doesn’t provide legal protection by itself, but most states require you to register your DBA if you use one. Some business structures require you to use a DBA.

Even if you’re not required to register a DBA, you might want to anyway. A DBA lets you conduct business under a different identity from your own personal name or your formal business entity name. As an added bonus, getting a DBA and federal tax ID number (EIN) allows you to open a business bank account.

Getting Started is Easy


Tell us about your business

We have taken the complexity out of forming your DBA. Our simple online application can be completed in as little as 10 minutes.


We file the paperwork

After a comprehensive business name search, we will draft and file your DBA application directly with the Secretary of State or city county.

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Receive Updates

We have taken the complexity out of forming your DBA. Our simple online application can be completed in as little as 10 minutes.

Name Reservation


You can reserve a business name while you’re in the process of making your business official. This is a handy option if you already have a business name in mind but you’re not yet ready to register with the State.

Check Name Availability

See If Your Company Name is available in your state today, for Free!.

Name Your Business

It all begins with a name


Doing Business As (DBA)

You might need to register your DBA — also known as a trade name, fictitious name, or assumed name — with the state, county, or city your business is located in. Registering your DBA name doesn’t provide legal protection by itself, but most states require you to register your DBA if you use one. Some business structures require you to use a DBA.

Even if you’re not required to register a DBA, you might want to anyway. A DBA lets you conduct business under a different identity from your own personal name or your formal business entity name. As an added bonus, getting a DBA and federal tax ID number (EIN) allows you to open a business bank account.


Getting Started is Easy


Tell us about your business

We have taken the complexity out of forming your DBA. Our simple online application can be completed in as little as 10 minutes.


We file the paperwork

After a comprehensive business name search, we will draft and file your DBA application directly with the Secretary of State or city county.

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Receive your documents

Once your DBA has been approved by the state or county, we will update you via email and all your documents will be available online.


Name Reservation

You can reserve a business name while you’re in the process of making your business official. This is a handy option if you already have a business name in mind but you’re not yet ready to register with the State.

Do you want to know if your company name is available?

See If Your Company Name is available in your state today, for Free!

Name Your Business

It all begins with a name


Doing Business As (DBA)


You might need to register your DBA — also known as a trade name, fictitious name, or assumed name — with the state, county, or city your business is located in. Registering your DBA name doesn’t provide legal protection by itself, but most states require you to register your DBA if you use one. Some business structures require you to use a DBA.

Even if you’re not required to register a DBA, you might want to anyway. A DBA lets you conduct business under a different identity from your own personal name or your formal business entity name. As an added bonus, getting a DBA and federal tax ID number (EIN) allows you to open a business bank account.

Getting Started is Easy


Tell us about your business


We file the paperwork

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Receive Updates

Name Reservation


You can reserve a business name while you’re in the process of making your business official. This is a handy option if you already have a business name in mind but you’re not yet ready to register with the State.

Check name is availability

See If Your Company Name is available in your state today, for Free!.