Doing Business As (DBA)


Doing business as (DBA) filing is an official and public way to register a business name with either the state or local jurisdiction, such as a county. A DBA name is also called a Fictitious Name, or Trade Name.

A proper name of an association (domestic or foreign) is the name set forth in its organizational/registration documents filed with the Department of State. Let us process those documents for you today.

Only $99 + State Filing Fee

It's Simple and Easy


1. Fill out form

rocket-launch (1)

2. Submit 


3.We process application 


4. You Receive Updates

How to register a DBA?


You can register your Doing Business As (DBA), Trade Name, or Fictitious Name by filling out our online application today. The application will need the following information:

  • The fictitious name. There are restrictions on the use of corporate or other association designators such as “corporation” or “limited,” “LLC”, but the use of the word “company” or “co.” in a fictitious name by a sole proprietorship is permissible.

  • A brief statement concerning the character or nature of the business or other activity to be carried on under or through the fictitious name.

  • The address, including number and street, if any, of the principal place of business. A post office box alone is not acceptable.

  • The name and address of each individual or entity interested in the business.

Why Choose Us?



Our team of experts is here to provide you with all the knowledge and expertise you need to get back to focusing on your business.


startup (1)

Our secure online account will allow you to quickly and easily complete all the necessary steps to help get your business off the ground. With our quality service and expertise, we’ll make sure your application is being processed correctly.



Rather than taking the time and effort to research how to do the paperwork yourself, let our experts manage it for you. We are dedicated to making your business process as easy as possible so you can build your brand.



Our easy-to-use forms will help guide you every step of the way. Getting it done the first time correctly allows you to get back to your business quickly so you can follow your passion while we handle the paperwork.

Driving Businesses Forward

Every day, we help businesses capture more opportunities and meet their goals.

Doing Business As (DBA)


Doing business as (DBA) filing is an official and public way to register a business name with either the state or local jurisdiction, such as a county. A DBA name is also called a Fictitious Name, or Trade Name.

A proper name of an association (domestic or foreign) is the name set forth in its organizational/registration documents filed with the Department of State. Let us process those documents for you today.

Only $99 + State Filing Fee

It's Simple and Easy


1. Fill out form

rocket-launch (1)

2. Submit 


3.We process application 


4. You Receive Updates

How to register a DBA?


You can register your Doing Business As (DBA), Trade Name, or Fictitious Name by filling out our online application today. The application will need the following information:

  • The fictitious name. There are restrictions on the use of corporate or other association designators such as “corporation” or “limited,” “LLC”, but the use of the word “company” or “co.” in a fictitious name by a sole proprietorship is permissible.

  • A brief statement concerning the character or nature of the business or other activity to be carried on under or through the fictitious name.

  • The address, including number and street, if any, of the principal place of business. A post office box alone is not acceptable.

  • The name and address of each individual or entity interested in the business.

Why Choose

Our knowledgeable staff has years of experience. Do what you love, let us handle the paperwork‎.



Our team of experts is here to provide you with all the knowledge and expertise you need to get back to focusing on your business.


startup (1)

Our secure online account will allow you to quickly and easily complete all the necessary steps to help get your business off the ground. With our quality service and expertise, we’ll make sure your application is being processed correctly.



Rather than taking the time and effort to research how to do the paperwork yourself, let our experts manage it for you. We are dedicated to making your business process as easy as possible so you can build your brand.



Our easy-to-use forms will help guide you every step of the way. Getting it done the first time correctly allows you to get back to your business quickly so you can follow your passion while we handle the paperwork.

Driving Businesses Forward

Every day, we help businesses capture more opportunities and meet their goals. 

Doing Business As (DBA)

Doing business as (DBA) filing is an official and public way to register a business name with either the state or local jurisdiction, such as a county. A DBA name is also called a Fictitious Name, or Trade Name.

A proper name of an association (domestic or foreign) is the name set forth in its organizational/registration documents filed with the Department of State. Let us process those documents for you today.

Only $99 + State Filing Fee


It's Simple and Easy


1. Fill out form

rocket-launch (1)

2. Submit 


3.We process application 


4. You Receive Updates

How to register a DBA?

You can register your Doing Business As (DBA), Trade Name, or Fictitious Name by filling out our online application today. The application will need the following information:

  • The fictitious name. There are restrictions on the use of corporate or other association designators such as “corporation” or “limited,” “LLC”, but the use of the word “company” or “co.” in a fictitious name by a sole proprietorship is permissible.

  • A brief statement concerning the character or nature of the business or other activity to be carried on under or through the fictitious name.

  • The address, including number and street, if any, of the principal place of business. A post office box alone is not acceptable.

  • The name and address of each individual or entity interested in the business.

Why Choose

Our knowledgeable staff has years of experience. Do what you love, let us handle the paperwork‎.



Our team of experts is here to provide you with all the knowledge and expertise you need to get back to focusing on your business.

startup (1)


Our secure online account will allow you to quickly and easily complete all the necessary steps to help get your business off the ground. With our quality service and expertise, we’ll make sure your application is being processed correctly.



Rather than taking the time and effort to research how to do the paperwork yourself, let our experts manage it for you. We are dedicated to making your business process as easy as possible so you can build your brand.



Our easy-to-use forms will help guide you every step of the way. Getting it done the first time correctly allows you to get back to your business quickly so you can follow your passion while we handle the paperwork.

Guaranteed Satisfaction

Registering your Limited Liability Company (LLC) with the state can sometimes be a hassle. can help with simplifying the process, making sure you are filing it correctly and you’re on the right track to avoid costly mistakes. Start your LLC today with our unbelievable low-cost price. We’ll help you save money by not paying for any extra services we provide to our clients.

Driving Businesses Forward

Every day, we help businesses capture more opportunities and meet their goals.